The Yonder Boys
What's the one thing missing from the revolution in sustainable cities? A couple of ad-men who can't keep their mouths shut.
That's because if you want the market to wrap its arms around your shiny green alternative, you're going to have to get your sexy on. That's Yonder Boys — irreverence, impatience, and advice where the coms meet sustainable cities.
Veteran advertising creative directors Geoffrey Abraham and Greg Veerman deliver biting commentary and insight on the good, the bad, and the ugly in the confab around sustainable cities both large and growing. That leads to conversations about Super Bowl ads, EVs, Autonomous Vehicles, micro-mobility, urban design and urban tech, energy, and even rogue cross-walk painting.
The Yonder Boys welcome leaders from the overlapping arenas of tech, mobility, policy, advertising, and branding. Join Geoffrey and Greg for their no-holds-barred take-down of the way innovators talk about changing the world.
The Yonder Boys
Flag on the Play - Super Bowl Edition
Global creative luminary Matt Cramp, one of the minds behind last year's "Edgar Scissorhands" spot for the Cadillac Lyriq joins the Yonder Boys to deliver an electrifying alternative to featuring a new(ish) form of transportation. He tells is the extradordiary story that led to this spot — with their only creative brief being to "win the superbowl."
Geoffrey and Greg start off praising Rivian's attempt to build a lifestyle brand, but can't get away from the problems facing the EV industry as a whole - lower consumer demand than hoped by now. Hertz and Ford among the many hedging their bets on electrification.
We wrap the show with a rant that questions Biden's $632 million plan to extend the nations charging network - what comes first, the chicken (supply) or the egg (demand). Game on, people. .